Posts Tagged ‘medications’
This Year I'm Taking Control Of My Health. But How?
Last week we rounded up some helpful tips from our team on how to stick to your New Year’s resolution. Yael, our iOS developer suggested to “Define the important and less important things in your life and focus your energies accordingly.” This week we want to talk about one of the most important items on…
Read MoreAre We Home Yet? Meet Medisafe’s Exciting New Feature for Android
You’re out shopping, or just ran out for 20 minutes to pick up some groceries for tonight’s dinner. Just then, Your Medisafe reminder sounds off letting you know it’s time to take your meds. You reach into your purse- and then you realize , you left them at home. What do you do?
Read MoreThis Amazing Woman Saves Hours Every Day Using One Thing
Generally when Medisafe receives a heartwarming email or shoutout on social media, we contact the person and ask them to write their Medisafe story (Want to send yours? click here). We recently received an incredible review on the app store, and couldn’t trace back to the wonderful woman who shared her Medisafe story in such…
Read MoreGuest Blog: The AUHSOP Script Your Future team write how your local pharmacist can help you stay on track with your meds
Did you know that nearly three out of four Americans don’t take their medications as directed? Or that one out of three Americans never even fill their prescriptions in the first place? How about that 125,000 people die every year due to non-adherence with their prescription medications? Script Your Future (SYF) is a national campaign…
Read MoreCindy Shares Her Medisafe Story
This app is a must have for me! It has truly improved the quality of my life. I do not forget to take my blood pressure medicine now, and due to my neuropathy I have many other medications to take and vitamins. Because I always have my phone with me, I never miss a dose,…
Read MoreLearn How Bill Improved His Compliance From 50% to 99%
Our user Bill shares his Medisafe story: I’ve had problems with my health for decades, from Seizures to Asthma & Pneumonia to over 15 surgical procedures. Most of which have led me to rely on medications before, during and in some cases for years after the original situation has passed.
Read MoreNew Research Shows Medisafe’s Impact on People’s Lives
“After installing the Medisafe app on my Samsung Galaxy and setting it up with my medication schedule, my compliance has consistently been between 98 and 100 percent.” Lane, a Medisafe user wrote this to us just a few months ago — and he’s not the only one. People who use Medisafe have consistently shared their…
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