Medisafer Story: Olivia

Olivia is a 26-year-old Medisafer from the UK and is the proud mom to four adorable cats. Since she was 12 years old Olivia has suffered from chronic, often debilitating pain. Over the course of the past fourteen years she’s come to know all the relevant medical terms her doctors use and isn’t afraid to…

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MS Awareness Month: Dom and DT Training

Meet Dom, a top notch personal trainer from London, UK. Chatting with us via Instagram, Dom shared some of his experiences as a businessman but also as a care partner for his mother who was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) when he was a young man. Who are you? Google’s highest ranked personal trainer for…

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What is Myeloma Anyway?

March kicks off Myeloma Awareness Month, an initiative started by the International Myeloma Foundation in 2009. Myeloma is a rare blood cancer that affects many Medisafers and we wanted to take some time to spread the word. What is Myeloma? Myeloma is a hematological (blood) cancer that develops in plasma cells The body makes too…

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Myeloma Warriors

Whether you’re recently diagnosed or looking for some new found inspiration to keep going, here is our quick rundown of a few loud and proud warriors in the myeloma space. Follow along and see what they’re up to and let us know who you think we should add to the list!    Myeloma Teacher A…

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Demystifying Women's Heart Health 

Myth: Most women die from cancer Fact: Women are six times more likely to die from heart disease than from cancer. Heart disease has been the leading cause of death for women in the developed world since 1908. Myth: Heart disease is only a man’s problem Fact: More women than men die from cardiovascular disease.…

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10 Habits of the Super Heart Healthy

We might be wrapping up February and Heart Health Month, but it’s still a good time to remind ourselves of some super heart healthy lifestyle choices because every month should be Heart Health Month. Did you know that nearly half of heart disease related deaths are due to controllable risk factors? Here are some activities…

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Medisafer Story: Dianna

“Every feeling, including those that come with mental illness, are fleeting. It will pass, it can take time, but it does get better.” Dianna hails from just outside Atlanta, Georgia and was recently diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Growing up, Dianna says she thought she had depression, following her first depressive episode at eight years old.…

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Why Medisafe? A Message from Medisafe’s Chief Medical Officer

The following is a guest post written by Dr. Danny Sands, Chief Medical Officer for Medisafe.  In January, I started working for Medisafe as part-time chief medical officer. Who am I and why did I choose to do this?   I am a primary care physician but have spent over 25 years working with health information…

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Leveraging Digital Tools for AFib Med Support

The old cliché rings true, “medications don’t work if they’re not taken.” Many of us have experienced walking away with a new prescription without understanding what it’s really for, how it works, or how this may affect our other medications. Managing one medication properly is difficult enough, but add in multiple prescriptions and you can…

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Medisafer Profile: Hisham

Meet Hisham, a 22 year old Medisafer from Baghdad. At the age of nine Hisham was diagnosed with a kidney disease and told that he would need to undergo a kidney transplant. Three years ago, after two years of hemodialysis, a donor was found and he was able to undergo the transplant. Chatting with us…

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