Survivors: Inspiring Breast Cancer Blogs You Should Read
What better way to understand breast cancer than hearing it first hand from survivors? We made up a list of 5 incredible breast cancer survivor’s blogs so you could do just that.
- Perks of Cancer
Florence is a single mom of three kids, her youngest with autism, and multiple failed relationships. To top it off, she was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer at age 44. Five years of surgeries, chemotherapy and radiation later, Florence was inspired to think positive and started her very own blog: The Perks of Cancer. Her goal? Find 100 perks to having cancer.
Check our Florence’s Blog, Twitter and Facebook
Florence was inspired to start her very own blog. Her goal? Find 100 perks to having cancer.
- My Fabulous Boobies
Nicole found herself to be one of the few young, African-American, childless, never married, people with breast cancer. She started her blog with the sole intent of keeping her friends and family in the loop regarding her breast cancer. Since, she expanded into making her site the source for survivors to connect with one another- regardless of their age, color, or familial status. Her blog now serves as the breast cancer hub for newly diagnosed young women,looking to find their way through new normal.
Check out Nic’s Blog, Twitter, Facebook and Instagram
- A Breast Surgeon with Breast Cancer
Liz O’Riordan is a Oncoplastic Breast Surgeon, and — a breast cancer survivor. Aside from cycling, triathlon-ing and baking, she blogs about her breast cancer treatment from the perspective of both a doctor and a patient.
Check out Liz’s Blog and Twitter
Liz is a Oncoplastic Breast Surgeon, and — a breast cancer survivor. See her story:
- Accidental Amazon
Kathi is not too fond of the color pink and believes in spreading a different kind of awareness about breast cancer. Her blog was formed to start a movement: changing the conversation about breast cancer, and providing a different perspective on the condition. Her blog works to notify readers of informed consent, further insights behind research being done today, and to give personal and evidence-based information about cancer treatment. Finally, Kathi is working to “skewer the rampant pink merchandizing that has come to characterize Pinktober.”
Check Kathi’s Blog, Twitter and Facebook
- But Doctor, I Hate Pink
Ann is living with stage four terminal cancer, but that doesn’t stop her from living her life throughout the endless treatments. She blogs about her experience with breast cancer — from suspicion through diagnosis and treatment.”
Check Ann’s Blog, Twitter and Facebook
Terminal Cancer does not stop her from living her life. Ann’s Story:
This photographer fell in love with the women he would engage just 6 months into their relationship, only to lose her to metastasized breast cancer within five short years. Here is his story: The Battle We Didn’t Chose.
There are many organizations that work endlessly to raise breast cancer awareness such as the Susan G. Komen foundation. Support these organizations and the women who fight the battle against breast cancer. They serve as a daily inspiration.
Have your own Breast Cancer story? Comment below and we will reach out to you!