The Medisafe Team Presents: How to Stick to Your New Years Resolution
“This year I’m quitting to smoke”. Have you heard that sentence from one or more of your friends at this time of year? Or how about some of these: “This year I’m getting on that treadmill” ; “This year I’m losing weight”; “This year I’m taking my meds”. It’s just not New Year’s without hearing those resolutions from at least 5 people.
But how many people actually quit smoking or lose weight after their statements? Research says only 8% of Americans are successful in achieving their resolution. As the New Year begins, it is critical to immediately start taking first steps towards your yearly goals. Here are some tips from the Medisafe Team help point you in the right direction:
Omri, CEO and co-founder: Build a daily or weekly routine and create a way to track and follow your progress.
Rotem, CTO and co-founder: Just like running a marathon: define long term goals, but don’t neglect the short ones.
“Celebrate the small achievements and keep telling yourself over and over: I can do this”
Yaara, VP Partnerships: Focus on one change you want to make at a time. It’s hard to change behaviors, so be sure to be kind with yourself and focus on that one thing that you are really looking to change.
Jon,EVP Marketing & Business Development: Make it achievable – we all know behavior change is tough :), so don’t expect to make a 180 overnight.
Lauri, Customer Support: Make sure to start small. Any positive change is a step in the right direction. Small resolutions are easy to stick to.
Start small. Any Positive change is a step in the right direction” #NewYearsTip
Yuri, Android Team Leader: I’d write my New Year’s resolution on a sticky note and stick it on the house door. That way every time I leave home I am reminded of what I set for myself this year.
Yael, iOS Developer: Define the important and less important things in your life and focus your energies accordingly.
Haim, Data Scientist: Find someone with the same goal, and try to achieve it together. Two (or more) makes everything more enjoyable and much easier.
Maria, QA Team Leader: Never give up – even if you failed yesterday, continue trying today and tomorrow. It’s all in your head, you can do everything you set your mind to!
“Never give up – even if you failed yesterday, continue trying today and tomorrow” #NewYearsTip
Hadar, Head of Design: Something I learned from Rotem, our CTO: “Make it work, then make it better”. I learned that in order to complete a complex task you just have to start somewhere, even with something small. That way, you have a base you can build on and improve, step by step.
Gili, Android QA: My tip for a successful diet is to set a plan. Define weekly, monthly and yearly goals. Next I would document the changes – It’s super easy to track your weight with Medisafe’s measurements feature, check it out!

Inbar, HR and Office Manager: Set a monthly reminder on your phone with your New Year’s resolution. That will help you stay focused on it throughout the whole year.