Find Out How Daniel Manages His Diabetes
This week our user Daniel is sharing his story:
As both a doctor and a patient, I perhaps have a unique perspective on taking medication. Doctors often prescribe many medications without considering the difficulty of adherence and the potential negative effects of missing medications. As a diabetic, missing medications can cause unpleasant symptoms such as nausea and vomiting, as well as dehydration and lethargy. I found myself occasionally missing my evening injection and struggling to get up for work in the morning.
Download Medisafe to never miss a pill again! I turned to my smartphone to improve my blood glucose control and to prevent me from missing medication in the future. A quick search revealed Medisafe, and I have now been using the app for over a year. In that time, I haven’t missed a single medication. My blood glucose control tightened, reducing my unpleasant symptoms and helping me to feel better in the mornings. Since then, I have moved on to an insulin pump, and Medisafe reminds me to change my cannula and IV tubing set regularly. I now have several Medisafe reminders a day to remind me to take tablets and to monitor my insulin pump.
Type 1 diabetes is a condition that requires strict blood glucose control to prevent complications later in life in order to increase life span. With that in mind, Medisafe is not only improving my health now, but will also do so in the future. I would thoroughly recommend the application to anyone who takes regular medication, whether it be for their immediate or long-term health. Plus, my fellow healthcare providers should keep Medisafe in mind for patients who could use assistance with adherence and overall medication management, as it can really make a difference in a patient’s life. Download Medisafe today to manage your medications and health Click here to read Lane’s Medisafe story