Happy Holidays!
Hi Medisafers,
It’s the day before our US team heads home for Thanksgiving and we wanted to take this opportunity to reach out to our whole Medisafe community.
The holidays can be filled with joy, but we know they can also make it difficult given the change in routine to stay on track with your medication regimens. Medisafe will be there every step of the way to remind you and help you along so that you can focus without worry on family and friends. For those of you who haven’t found our Medfriend feature yet, consider the dinner table a perfect opportunity to find a Medfriend who you trust to support you through this part of the healthcare journey.
We also encourage you to talk to all the friends and family you’ll be seeing these next few days about the importance of staying healthy and keeping up with your medications. It’s a difficult topic. We know. But opening those channels of conversation in a festive setting may not only take the burden off your shoulders, but it may save your loved one’s life.
Every four minutes an American dies because they mismanaged their medications. This number may be shocking, but it’s our reality. The Thanksgiving table is the time to take the first step toward making progress against this reality and ensuring that you and your loved ones spend countless more celebrations together.
Starting today, and through the holiday season, we’ll be bringing you new content and tools to start the health conversation with your friends and family. Don’t forget to share and make sure your whole community, people you might not even know, are helping their larger communities as well.
Remember, Share the App #SaveALife.
To Your Health,
Your Medisafe Team