Gal: A Breast Cancer Survivor
Gal Peer is an incredible woman who took her cancer as a fight she was not willing to lose. Today, she is 10 years cancer-free. In this post, Gal shares her personal story, along with advice for people going through breast cancer and their family members.
Tell us about yourself:
My name is Gal, I am a wife and mother of three boys, aged 15, 17, and 20. In my free time, I love to workout. I started working out as a hobby, and today it is a part of who I am, as it helps me release my stress. I primarily work with my husband in his clothing business, I am currently working on producing a line of my own. I also have a real estate license, so I sell properties as a side job. Today, I am 10 years cancer-free, and I can thank my incredible family, friends and doctors for that.
How did you find out you had Breast Cancer?
Back in 2005, I was pregnant and had a miscarriage. From then on, I tried to get pregnant again and it was not working. I sought out for medical assistance, going through different therapies and many hormones. At that time, I did not have cancer, but I think the hormones played a part in speeding up the process of getting it. About a year later, I woke up with a lump on my chest and felt uneasy about it, I just knew something was wrong. I went to my primary care physician, and it seemed as if she had a bad feeling too, so I was immediately referred to other specialists to get tests done (MRI, ultrasound, biopsy).
“Today, I am 10 years #cancer-free, and I can thank my incredible #family, friends and doctors for that.”
I was 35 years old, and had received tests results. Breast cancer. Stage 2. From there, I went to my first session of chemotherapy. By the third session, my hair was falling out everywhere. I refused to wear a wig, so bandanas became my thing. I had a full collection of every color and style you could think of. Every 3 weeks, I had to undergo chemotherapy. After 6 sessions of chemo, I had to go through 35 treatments of radiation at the same time everyday. The end of my fight was near. Finally, I was prescribed pills for my post treatment for 5 years. Today, I see my oncologist every 6 months for follow ups to ensure I did not relapse. I am so thankful to have overcome my condition and be able to say I am 10 years cancer free today.
Gal rocked trendy bandanas throughout her battle with #breastcancer. Find out how she stayed positive:
What was your inspiration throughout the process you went through?
My friends and family were my biggest support. The community I live in was so extraordinary, they still are, and everyone was there for me at every chance they could be. My mom and sister even flew in from across the world for every treatment. I had love and support at every step. I always looked at the glass half full, Istill do. My positivity combined with my community made my fight so much easier to overcome. There are no words to describe how lucky I was to be surrounded by so many amazing people.
What advice would you give someone going through Breast Cancer?
Think of it as a period of time that will be over soon. It is a step in your life- do not consider it to be the end of your life. Think positive. Do not let bad thoughts linger in your head. Be strong. It is only a matter of time, it is something you just have to deal with and it will be over sooner than you think. After all of my chemotherapy sessions, I treated myself to a trip abroad to visit my family. They warmed me and made me feel better. They definitely contributed to my healing. Obviously it is not an easy and simple process, but life goes on. You start this part of your life, and you finish it and move on.
#Breastcancer is a step in your life; do not consider it to be the end of your life.
What advice would you give to a family with a member that has breast cancer?
When someone in your family is sick, the care and commitment to make them better comes naturally. My advice? Just be there for the member. It is vital for them to feel loved and cared for the entire way through. Cheer them on. Recently, two women in my community were stricken with breast cancer, and had heard what I went though. They contacted me and I did what I could for both of them, attending every chemo session they had and sitting with them through the pain. I am still in touch with both of them and they are recovering, thankfully. Breast cancer, like any cancer, is a process, but it is all about helping that person through the pain. It always feels great to have someone there to help you and be there for you.