Reminders Your Way, Really
אוגוסט 25, 2015
Our prize draw is in full swing. We asked you for fun, clever and silly Medtones and boy did we get them. Medisafe users from all walks of life are submitted their custom Medtones, check out all entries on the #MyMedtone submission board.
A couple notable #Medtones for you to check out:
- @Nizzd69 put on quite the show on Instagram as a Pirate in need of his meds.
- Twitter user @YumanBeing is playing off our Darth Vader Medtone with his very own Yoda script: Take your pills you must. Be healthy you will.
There’s still plenty of time to enter so be sure to head to the prize draw homepage and start submitting! Remember, it’s really simple to submit and enter to win: just upload a video or even just a simple script of a fun reminder to Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram with the #MyMedtone attached.
That’s it, it’s that simple!
To Your Health!
The Medisafe Team