New on iPhones: Daily Timeline View

Tap here for Android instructions We're excited to show off this major update in our latest iOS release (5.8 and above), which brings together many suggestions from our community of users — including a new timeline view instead of the standard pillbox view. The timeline upgrade showed overall significant results and positive feedback from our…

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New on Android: Improved Reminder Screens

We're excited to show off our latest Android release (8.0 and above), which brings together many suggestions from our community of users — including more information in our reminder screens and easier ways to see previous meds that were missed. These updates were first reviewed by our beta community of testers that saw the release…

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Leveraging Digital Tools for AFib Med Support

The old cliché rings true, “medications don’t work if they’re not taken.” Many of us have experienced walking away with a new prescription without understanding what it’s really for, how it works, or how this may affect our other medications. Managing one medication properly is difficult enough, but add in multiple prescriptions and you can…

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Medisafer Profile: Hisham

Meet Hisham, a 22 year old Medisafer from Baghdad. At the age of nine Hisham was diagnosed with a kidney disease and told that he would need to undergo a kidney transplant. Three years ago, after two years of hemodialysis, a donor was found and he was able to undergo the transplant. Chatting with us…

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Neue Timeline-Ansicht für Android

Wir sind begeistert, zwei wesentliche Updates in unserem letzten Android-Release (7.53 und höher) präsentieren zu können, die viele Vorschläge aus unserer Nutzer-Community zusammenführen – einschließlich einer neuen ständig vorhandenen Menüleiste unten auf allen App-Bildschirmen, und einer neuen Timeline-Ansicht (Zeitleiste) statt der standardmäßigen Pillenbox-Ansicht. Für beide Upgrades bekamen wir signifikante Resultate und positives Feedback von unserer…

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Medisafer Post: Thaly's diary

The following post is being reposted with the author's permission. You can read the author's original post, on her website. L'appli MEDISAFE- janvier 09, 2018 Hello everybody, Today, je vous partage une appli qui m'a permis d'organiser mon quotidien par rapport à la prise des différents médicaments. C'est simple, moi c'est limite si j'ai pas besoin…

קרא עוד

New on Android: Menu Bar and Timeline

Tap here for iPhone instructions We're excited to show off two major updates in our latest Android release (7.53 and above), which bring together many suggestions from our community of users — including a new persistent menu bar at the bottom of all screens, and a new timeline view instead of the standard pillbox view.…

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Medisafe präsentiert die Ergebnisse der sechsmonatigen Studie zur Verbesserung der Medikamentenadhäsion auf der ISPOR

Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass Medisafe-Nutzer mit Bluthochdruck und Hyperlipidämie eine signifikant höhere Medikamenteneinhaltung haben als eine vergleichbare Kontrollgruppe. Medisafe, die personalisierte Medikationsmanagement-Plattform mit über 2,8 Millionen Anwendern, gab heute bekannt, dass die Ergebnisse einer wissenschaftlichen Studie von IMS Healt h, die die Vorteile von Medisafe in Bezug auf die Einhaltung der Medikation auf der 21. Internationalen…

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Avoiding the Flu – A Holiday Season Gift that Keeps on Giving

Winter has officially started in the northern hemisphere and snow is fast approaching. Between apple cider and the influx of pumpkin spice there’s another trend that picks up this season: cold and flu. While it sounds obvious, the flu can be highly detrimental to those living with chronic conditions. So how can you protect yourself…

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