Join in the Efforts: The End of Alzheimer's Starts With Us
June is Alzheimer’s & Brain Awareness Month. Today, more than 5 million Americans are living with Alzheimer's, and the numbers are growing. On the caregiving end, The Alzheimer’s Association reports that in 2015, 15.9 million family and friends provided 18.1 billion hours of unpaid care to those with Alzheimer’s and other dementias- that’s an estimated economic value of $221.3 billion.
“More than 5M Americans are living with #Alzheimers & numbers are growing” #ENDALZ
- Add the END ALZ badge to your profile picture throughout the month of June, here’s how.
- Share why you go purple in June using these hashtags: #ENDALZ and #IGoPurpleFor
- Share this video featuring celebrity champions and uncover the truths about Alzheimer’s disease:
In addition, on June 20th, the longest day of the year, the Alzheimer’s Association, raises funds and awareness for the association. The duration of this sunrise-to-sunset event symbolizes the challenging journey of those living with the disease and their caregivers. For more information and to take part, click here.
Whether you are living with Alzheimer’s or are a dedicated caregiver for one, Medisafe can help make your life easier:
No more uncertainty: Medisafe’s virtual pillbox and reminders make everything clear as can be.
Our virtual pillbox is beautifully designed to give you a clear picture of the medications you need to take today. You will see every medication in its exact shape and color, to reduce confusion. When it’s time to take your medication, you will receive special Medisafe reminders. Once you mark your medication as taken, a small green checkmark will appear beside it, removing fear of overdosing or questions like “Did I take this medication yet?”
If you didn’t mark the medication as taken, Medisafe will remind you twice more, making sure you stay on top of your health.
No more confusion, I'm using #Medisafe to remember my meds! #ENDALZ
Caregivers: Become a Medfriend or create a dependant
Check in on your family member or friends medication intake: By becoming a Medfriend, you can get alerted if they miss a dose and view their pillbox to make sure they are on top of things. If you are the one giving the medications, you may prefer to just add your family member or friend as a dependant in your Medisafe app, that way you can have full control of their virtual pillbox and be reminded when it’s time to give the medications.
#Caregiver? Use Medisafe to manage everyones health and meds. #ENDALZ
If you have any questions on how to make the best of the Medisafe app for your condition, please contact us at [email protected] and we will guide you through it.